

不久前,我才寫了一封信寄給 Washington Mutual (WaMu) 的總裁,只是為了討一個公道,並說明其客服人員如何處理斯汀儲蓄帳戶金額被盜的經過,沒想到斯汀告訴我說 12 月28 日 WaMu 的總裁助理來電,很有禮貌的表達歉意,並回答斯汀所有的問題。

其助理說:根據銀行的程序,只要是 WaMu 處理異議 (Dispute)的案件,就表示不是消費者的錯,而且保證三個工作天一定要還消費者的的錢。她並說明其客服人員需要再加強。


聽到斯汀一說,我覺得這一個公司總裁一定不錯,才短短幾天就有回應。在美國, 若自己沒錯,就要據理力爭,不要輕言放棄, 但是也不要無理取鬧,通常會有一個完美的結局。

不向 collection agent 屈服
向Proactiv 的 President 抱怨成功
合理的懷疑:華盛頓互惠銀行 ( Washington Mutual) 被裁員工盜走斯汀儲蓄帳戶幾乎所有金額

11 留言:

Malkovich 說...

Excellent post!
I had a similar experience with Vanguard mutual fund company. They made a mistake and deposit my retirement money to other person's account and acted like it's no big deal. Even they corrected the problem few days later, I still feel they owe me an apology.
I should have sent Vanguard CEO an email so hopefully they can prevent this from happening in the future. It may cause short term damage on someone's career but in the long run, it is better for both the business and consumer!

Ray 說...

Hi, Malkovich
If the bank makes a mistake, we should let them know it's their fault and contact CEO ASAP. All the time, CEO is kind and will reply to you shortly.

This is not a good experience , but we shold face the problem and solve the problem.

Malkovich 說...

Just curious, how did you obtain the email address of the CEO?

Ray 說...

Did I mention I sent an email to CEO?

I wrote an official letter to him via air mail. Is that clear to you?

Malkovich 說...

Then how did you find out his air mail address?
Let me guess, did you just send it to their corporate address and put attention CEO?
I guess snail mail is more effective than email?

Ray 說...

You are so smart. WaMu is a large company. It is so easy to find his headquarter in google or yahoo.
In Yahoo Finance, I can know WaMu is "WM" in the stock market and Who CEO is.

I wrote a letter and sent him by air mail. Just put the name and CEO on the envelope. That's it.

Email is not good and not rfficient in this case.

The best way is to write an official letter and send by air mail.

MoleWisdom.M 說...

Banks and credit card companies usually have good service and they respond to disputes quite well.

Insurance companies and government agencies are much much worse. (When I have a chance, I'll write about my dental insurance saga next year.)

MoleWisdom.M 說...

Here is my "adventure" with Blue Cross:


Ray 說...

You are right. In the US., customer service is more important. Your persistence is very impressive.

Hector 說...

Ray 你好,

我是 Hector
看到你在美國的 complaint 經驗

毫無解釋, 我寫信兩次抗議, 卻石沉大海

這讓我滿驚訝的, 英國人雖然顢頇
我信中甚至提到要到 California
Department of Consumer Affairs
抗議, 但對方仍舊不理

請問一下 Ray 大大, 在加州這樣的

ps. 可以用 email 聯絡嗎?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,

Ray 說...


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