最近斯汀車子的 registration 需要重新更新,所以我和她一同前往華盛頓州的 DMV (當地人叫做DOL)。抵達那裡後,她填寫一些表格後,繳交手續費給承辦人員,結果承辦人員居然給她一組新車牌,我們都嚇一跳。
她問承辦人員: 這真的是給我的嗎? 承辦人員說:因為你的車牌已滿七年,所以依照法律,給你一組新車牌。她再問 : 那我需要通知保險公司嗎? 承辦人員說 : 因為系統會自動連線, 所以不用通知。我們都覺得華盛頓州辦事效率真快,才五分鐘就結束了。
通常一台車要開七年真的是不容易,尤其是對外國人來說。我這台車會開到七年嗎? 更何況我才剛轉換至華盛頓州車牌不久而已。
美國跨州轉換汽車車牌成功: 成為半個華盛頓州居民
華盛頓州車牌滿七年, DOL主動換發一組新車牌
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我們家的車牌也是今年換新牌,其實很多美國人都窮窮的,一輛車開個10幾年也大有人在,我們家就是窮窮的. 我們的老爺車買的時就17歲,現在大概快20了,把他操的我於心不忍. 不過沒錢也就將就了. 對了,我先生說如果想要用原來的牌照也可以的. 花錢就好了. 好像要花20元還是25元美金. Vickie
日本車很耐用 開十年沒問題吧
不過我有點想換小車 省油錢
So, you get a new license plate number? If so, that's just confusing - if the reason is for the protective coating, then giving you new plates with the same number will do.
That's very different from California. I still see quite a few "blue" plates on the street (from 1970's), especially in southern CA.
If you intend to run your car for a long time, pay a little more and buy a better model - buy a Toyota instead of a Nissan. Assuming you don't have an accident and you do your regular maintenance, the car should last 10-15 years easily. Paying a little more the first time is better than buying 2 cars for 7 years each or 3 cars for 5 years each.
Yes. She got a new license plate with a new number. Actually, I don't think a new number will cause any issue if their system is so good. I hope my car can run good for 10 years. haha
It may be an issue for people will parking stickers (work or school) with plate number written on them, and the plate number is changed in the middle of the year. No big problem, just a hassle, maybe a "change" fee.
In any case, it seems like a weird and unnecessary system.
Maybe you are right. When they renew the vechile registration every 7 year, they will give you a new sticker,a new license plate, and a new number .
I believe they put VIN and license plate number together in their system. Void the old Number and put the new number. The might gave your old number to another person. haha
想換Bimmer, Mercedes, 還是凌志?
No idea now. Just planning!
How about this car, it can fly:
It is so cool.