
美國工作難找嗎? 問當地獵人頭公司最準

最近有很多新聞都顯示美國景氣已逐漸走下坡。聽不少加州的朋友說: 現在加州景氣真是慘不忍睹。有些地方的房價已經跌了一半。有不少上班族因公司的問題而被解雇。若你是 H1B 雇員而被解雇,我也由衷祝福你趕快找到工作。

前一陣子看了一個新聞說: 有一位曾經年薪達8萬美元的工程師,在2001年美國經濟衰退時被裁員,失業長達六年多。我聽到這一消息時,我是覺得有點不可思議。雖然我不知道他住那裡,為何失業長達六年多,但是依照我當 IT Consultant 的觀點來說,這一點應該是不太可能發生的 ? 為何如此說呢?

IT Consultant 在每次找專案時,在就業市場中所看到的時薪常常會有不同。遇到景氣不好時,公司願意給的預算本來就有限,因此他們只會提供較低的時薪,但是景氣好時,時薪就可以高一點。當然時薪低一點,就看 Consultant 是否願意去做這份專案 ? 我想還是很多人願意去做的。因為 Consultant 不能和就業市場上脫節太久,而且每一份專案只要是工作性質是自己能勝任的,Consultant 也就先做了再說,目的就是讓技能繼續維持下去。

如果是上述這一位年薪達8萬美元的工程師在景氣不好時,又想要維持年薪8萬美元的職位,我覺得他根本不可能找到工作。如果今天景氣真的不好,那全職人員不妨學學上述我看到的觀點: 把薪資壓低一點,採取先求有再求好的策略。

我是不知他為何失業長達六年多? 他最壞的情況就是:從年薪8萬美元先砍一半,降到4萬美元,只是不知這位工程師是否會願意? 降薪並不是降低自尊或自信的一種表現,而是另一種先求有再求好的策略。你認為呢?

其次,他應該問問當地的獵人頭公司,看看是否工作機會很少? 若很少,relocation 到其他就業機會較多的州也是一個很好的選擇。只是他願意離開其居住所在地而到其他州工作嗎?

若現在你正在美國找工作,不妨問問當地的獵人頭公司,他們最清楚就業行情。若你住的地方工作機會不多,你可能要考慮 relocation,能捨才能得。祝大家找工作順利。


16 留言:

Domo 說...

Hi Ray,
Today is the first time to visit your blog. I'm looking for a job now, and those experience you shared is useful for me. Could you do me a favor? I would like to know if there's any recruiters who you recommend? If so, could you please email me the contact or information of recruiters or companies. Thank you very much !!

Email: hiphop.alan54@gmail.com

- Alan

Ray 說...

Where are you now? I need to know your background first because those recruiters might or might not be helpful to you.

Unknown 說...

Hi Ray,
Thank you for your reply. I'm staying in Boston now, and my major is about Telecommunication Engineering, and I just graduated from my school in Dec. of 2008.

Ray 說...

I don’t know any recruiters in Boston. I only know recruiters in Seattle and California. Are you open to relocate?

The famous companies around the USA are: TEKSystem, Robert half, Greythorn, APEX.

TEKSystem and Robert Half can sponsor H1B if you need it and can be qualified.

Domo 說...

Hi Ray,
Thank you for your reply. I think that your information is gonna help me a lot. I think that I dont mind to relocate to CA or Seattle. However, I do need to find a company which can sponsor my H1B asap because my OPT is gonna be ended before this May.

Ray 說...

I will send an email to you about one recruiter's TEL. There is no guarantee that he will help you a lot because it really depends on your resume and work expereince.

Chen 說...

Hi Ray, I'm excited to have found your blog as I'm trying to find a job right now and your expertise is gold to me if you are willing to share. I love Seattle, I used to travel to Seattle all the time, right now I'm in Dallas visiting my brother. I graduated from University of Texas at Dallas in BA and I'm trying to find a job in the US, do you think you can give me some advise on that? I do need H-1 sponsorship companies.

Ray 說...

Welcome to my blog. Finding a job with H1B sponsorship is sometimes difficult in the US now. But don't give up.

My advice is simple as follows:
1. Very impressive resume ( first page)

2. Besides sending your resume, call recruiters or HR directly every day.

3. You need to know what kind of job you really want if someone asks you.

Fifteen 說...

Ray, 你好. 請問要如何聯絡到當地的獵人頭公司呢? 加州現在的景氣不是很理想, 想請獵人頭公司幫我一下.


Email: BryantChang@hotmail.com

Ray 說...

Bryant Chang
what's your current wok authorization status? What kinds of job you would like to get?

If you are an IT person who is not on H1B or you need CTC , I might forward your resume to some recruiters I know.

Fifteen 說...

Dear Ray,

My work status now is OPT, but it is almost expiring. (90 days for unployment)

My major is Civil Engineering (土木工程), but the economic is bad, I found a job in a small software company, doing MFC stuff for 3 months. (Contractor)

However, I had some arguments about the company's decision on hiring me full time or not. Therefore, I left that company.

Although it is too late to send the email to you..., I just would like to know that:

Is it possible to come back to USA again with the help of the recruiters and the sponsorship for H1 visa by a company later (I will go back to Taiwan tmr) ?

Thank you.


Bryant Chang

Ray 說...

Bryant,per the strict immigrant law, it is not easy to contact the recuriter outside of the States and ask for H1B sponsorship. They don't know you well. But you can still try and don't give up.

My friends worked for some companies in Taiwan and then their companies assigned them to work in the US. You can try this too.

Fifteen 說...

Thank you, Ray!

Just little confused about the possibilty to come to work again in USA.

So, if the company knows me well, is it still possible to hire me outside USA?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Bryant Chang

Ray 說...

It is posisble. Please see this post.

Daniel Lee 說...

Hi Ray,

My current work status is under valid employment authorization document which is attached to the EB3 PR pending. My attorney told me that I am eligible for changing jobs because the changing status petition has been pending over 180 days, and as long as the new position is in same or similar position as current one, my green card wont be affected. I have been in transportation industry for years, and being familiar with import/export and supply chain management. I wonder if you could introduce me some recruiters for territories California, New York, New Jersey, Washington, or Oregon.

Thanks in advance

Daniel Lee

Ray 說...

Congrats! I am not sure if I know the recruiters who know your position. Why not just apply the jobs directly in indeed , Monster, LinkedIn when you see the job opening you are interested in? If they are interested in your background, they will contact you directly.

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