

現在美國景氣已逐漸走下坡,很多公司都是遇補不缺,不然就是用 Contractors 做短期的契約。2006 年時,我 H1B 剛轉到我這一家印度籍的 Consulting Company 時, 那時我發覺要在加州找公司對公司合作(Corp-to-Corp) 的契約專案真是很少。心中想著一定會有機會,只是機會不知在那裡?

我那時心中已有一個想法: 雖然加州就業機會多,但是競爭也很多。我準備暫時找外州的工作,待時機成熟, 屆時一定會重回加州工作。為何會有如此想法? 原因其實很簡單: 別人不想去的地方,機會可能越多,又可累積外州的工作經驗。於是開始每天採大數法則的方式丟履歷表。

後來去北加州 Stockton 從事專案一段時間,感覺不錯。待專案結束後,我 Email 通知幾位 Recruiters 說我專案結束,接受 Relocation。可能是之前大數法則丟履歷表的效力產生,不久之後居然讓我找到密西根州的契約專案。我心中也想著,當這個專案結束後,不是留在東岸,就是可以回加州吧。


有很多美國年輕的同事會說: 我生在那一州 (如密西根州) ,在那一州 ( 如亞利桑那州) 唸大學,曾在那一州工作 (如加州),我這個策略靈感主要是來自這些同事。

如果你覺得當地機會少,競爭又多,若想有一份工作的話,不妨採取到外州從事短暫工作的策略。到外州從事短暫工作,你的房租, 三餐,交通費都可以抵稅 (取決於你的 Tax Home)



2 留言:

Violet 說...

I'm a Taiwanese student and going to graduate from University of North Alabama with a master's degree in International Business. I've been frustrated these days for job hunting. Before I got a interview chance in New Jersey, when I called back to schedule an interview time, she told me we need to apply someone this week, she even doens't know where Alabama is, in the end, I knew I lost this chance. Besides, I want to work in other states to expand my view and more opportunities. So could I ask you, it's a better way to settle down other big states then find a job rather than stay in Alabama to search for the job in other states??

Thanks for helping

You can contact me via e-mail:

Ray 說...

That woman is not smart because she didn't know where Alabama is.
If Alabama doesn't have job opportunities, you can relocate to some states.

I suggest you can find jobs in other states first. If you have friends or relatives in other states, you can also find if you can settle down there.

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