我們家中安裝 Comcast 的三合一服務 (網路,電視,電話),每月大約 USD 110 元 。最近斯汀向Comcast 的客服人員請教問題,發覺了一項服務,那就是 Comcast 提供短期停止服務的功能,只要基本月費 USD 25。短期停止服務至少 1 個月,最長 6 個月。
只要你因公出差或旅遊超過一個月,你就可以要求暫時停止服務,基本月費 USD 25。若你現在停止服務 6個月,2 個月後,你回到家中,你可隨時啟動服務。其他家電信公司應該也會有這樣的服務吧。
T-Mobile 提供短期停機的服務-基本月費10美元
增加美國生活樂趣: HDMI 電視+ HDMI 電腦+ PPStream
Comcast 提供短期停止服務功能-基本月費 25 美元
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Direct TV provide free of charge for stopping service up to 6 month. I know this because I just got a contact job in North Carolina, and my family and I came over here for a month from Issaquah ... Just provide another information.
Thanks for your information.
How much is your monthly fee for Direct TV? If it is good, I can change the provider. ;)
Well, to me, I think Comcast provides better customer service, even though the two providers are basically different. One is cable and the other satellite.
T-mobile has the similar service, too.
It really depends on what you think of their customer service. Different people have different viewpoints.
Just saw this ad. Seems there is a promotion but no idea how TV provider works in US. Maybe it suits you.
take that
Take that,
Thanks for your info.