


1. 準備一份 3-5頁印象深刻的履歷表,文法絕對不能有錯。自己有多少年的技能及經驗一定要寫在第一頁。若自己每頁的履歷表能做到置入性技能行銷那更好。

2. 準備不同職位需求的履歷表。用一份履歷表闖天下很難。

3. 每天大樹法則至少丟 100 封履歷表出去。若 7 天內沒人理你,你必須重新修改履歷表。你自己也要檢討為何沒有人回應你。也有可能你的信件被當作 Spam 被丟到垃圾桶內。

4. 除了丟履歷表外,若看到就業網站有你喜歡的職位,也提及相關人士的名字及電話時,不要害羞,主動打電話給他們詢問職位內容。要訓練自己的膽量及英語能力。

5. 每天分配時間丟履歷表外,不要忘記要 K 書應付面試考題。因為考題 70% 通常都是自己不會的。另外 30% 自己都會,但是卻答不出來。

6. 把握每次的面試經驗,列出面試官可能會問的問題。若面試考題不會,面試後自己一定要去找答案,因為下次自己可能還會遇到相同的問題。

7. 找機會聯絡獵人頭公司的 recruiters 是一個不錯的方式。

8. 自己不要有任何的假期,以找工作為最大優先考量。隨時提醒自己不要懈怠。

找工作是一項耐力戰及體力戰, 隨時提醒自己想辦法再接再厲,自己也不要灰心,老天爺一定會給你機會的。


23 留言:

take that 說...


take that

匿名 說...



Ray 說...

Actually, I am not going to find a job. haha

Some people are asking me how to find a job. Therefore, I use my braindumps to write those tips.
No Chinese keyboard.

匿名 說...

請問在您東奔西跌到處工作時, 如何解決住的問題?

匿名 說...

Dear Ray:
Pls. replace "跌" for "跑" and
thanks for answering my question.

Jack Liu Aug. 8, 2009 Taipei 11:47 a.m.

Ray 說...


浪人 Wavecatcher 說...


可以寫信請教您嗎? 我是留學生畢業正在找LA工作~ 真的不容易! 學商的~不像您高科技產業~這麼厲害~

望您回信囉~ 謝謝~

Ray 說...



Unknown 說...

Hi Ray,

I am doing my master degree (accounting) in TX and I still have one year to finish school.

Actually,I started finding a job this month. Could you review my resume and give me some suggestions? If you don't mind, please contact me through email.

thank you so much!

Ray 說...

Please leave your email here and also create 2-3 pages of your resume.

No Chinese keyboard.

Unknown 說...

Hi Ray,

My email is as below,

and I just have one year working experience and I didn't have any back ground of accounting before I got into grads school. So, right now I just have one page resume, is that ok?

Joan 說...

Hi Ray,

Could you advise your email address? I can't find it thrugh your profile. Appreciate!

Ray 說...

Because of too many spams, you can't find my email here. :)

Please leave your email here. I will contact you.

Joan 說...

sure. My email is joanlinma@gmail.com


Ray 說...

Jean, sent

Miaw 說...

Hi Ray,

Could you help me too?
my email:meichuans@gmail.com
Thank you!

Ray 說...

you can try this game now


Unknown 說...

Hi Ray,

I am in Salt Lake City, Utah. Would you have any good recruitment agencies' contact by any chance? I am looking for HR job but I just got here 1 month ago...

I love your blog, btw, it has really been very helpful to me when getting to know more about the US from a Taiwanese point of view!

This is my email: ct.sherry.wu@gmail.com

Thanks a lot!


Ray 說...

Sherry,what's your current working status? Green card or H1B??

Stephen Chu 說...

Hi Ray, How do I find a job in USA whether I don't have green card and H1B? I am a student in Canada. Otherwise, could you review my resume and give me some advises? Thanks!

Ray 說...

Just search online and find how many companies sponsor people's H1 Visa. If you are talented , that's not a problem. Just keep trying.

caroline 說...

Hi Ray,
請問有那個job board會有所有提供h1b visa的工作機會嗎?

Ray 說...

Please see this post.

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