
Chase 的免費國際匯款才真的是免費

去年 2 月份寫了一篇文章-原來華盛頓互惠銀行的免費國際匯款是個噱頭-,文中提到International Banking System 會收手續費。那時我相信 WaMu 行員 International Banking System 的說法,所以才寫了這一篇文章。

幾星期前,我去 Chase 進行國際匯款到斯汀台灣的玉山銀行帳戶,因為 WaMu 已成為 Chase 一份子,所以 WaMu 的 Free outgoing 的服務仍然為 Chase 所保有。

匯完之後,台幣剛好貶值,最後玉山銀行已 NT 32.9 兌換 USD 1,真是不錯! 最重要的事情就是: 玉山銀行只收台幣 200 元(最高收費)。這一次從 Chase 進行國際匯款卻完全沒有任何手續費。

後來經由我查證的結果: 之前 WaMu 並沒有和台灣的銀行有直接往來,它要經過 Chase 或其他美國的銀行才能將客戶的錢匯到台灣的銀行帳戶。因此之前 WaMu 行員所說的 International Banking System 手續費指的應該就是這個仲介費。現在 WaMu 已成為 Chase 一份子,Chase 又和台灣不少家銀行有直接往來,因此 Chase 的免費國際匯款才真的是免費。


華盛頓互惠銀行倒閉,現成為 JPMorgan Chase 一份子

35 留言:

Malkovich 說...

Can I transfer to USD account in Taiwan for free? i.e. don't convert it to Taiwanese dollar and keep it in USD

Ray 說...

I don't think so. Money is incoming to your US bank. Incoming transfer costs money.

You can ask your parents to covert your money in Taiwan to traveler's check with USD and send them to you via air mail. You can deposit to your bank for free.

Malkovich 說...
Malkovich 說...

Actually I want to send money from my USA account to my parent's USD account in Taiwan, is it free?

Ray 說...

You need to ask your US bank and the bank in Taiwan. I don't think it is free for the bank in Taiwan

Jessie Huang 說...

Really? I really doubt it. 我以前在美國的HSBC匯款到台灣的HSBC, 銀行一樣收取了我國際銀行手續費, 真的是很坑錢

匿名 說...

如果我带美金的汇票bank draft,到银行去lodge,银行是照draft上的金额如数lodge,还是会A走一些钱?

take that

匿名 說...

如果我带美金的国际汇票bank draft,到美国的银行去lodge,银行是照draft上的金额如数lodge,还是会A走一些钱?

take that

Ray 說...

不要懷疑!你要打電話去台灣的HSBC 問相關細節!不然你就和我們一樣申請chase 及玉山銀行帳戶!新的chase 帳戶是否有international free outgoing transfer,你也要問清楚!我只花了200元台幣手續費耶!呵!

Ray 說...

take that,

Ray 說...

take that,

突然想到bank draft這個名詞我在美國還沒有看過!一般美國用的名稱不外乎就是money order 或cashier's check!我曾經存過 traveler's check, money order,cashier's check 到我的銀行帳戶,沒有手續費! 存之前你要問問是否不需要手續費!

Unknown 說...
cinnamon 說...

thank you!

Ray 說...


Do you mean you want to find a Taiwan's bank which can transfer your mooney from Taiwan to US in Chase bank ? In this case, I only know when Chase receives money from Taiwan's bank, Chase's incoming costs transaction fee.

No Chinese keyboard now.

cinnamon 說...

oh haha thank you!!
does it cost a lot, or just about 10dollars or something?

thank you so much!

Ray 說...

No idea. You need to ask them directly.

Jenna Peng 說...

我在南加州,打電話去詢問,banker told me that cost $45 for internation wire trans fee. even transfer online still cost $40. and they said it's never been for free. I really got confuse.

Jenna Peng 說...

我在南加州,打電話去詢問,banker told me that cost $45 for internation wire trans fee. even transfer online still cost $40. and they said it's never been for free. I really got confuse.

Ray 說...

Jenna Peng
Do you have a chase/wamu account? Online transfer needs transaction fee, but wire transfer is free in the branch. I suggest you should go to the branch to ask them questions. You can also use chase online to ask this question too. I used international wire in June and it's free.

Kenny 說...

我在Chase也是有帳戶,辦了兩次Wired Transfer到台灣的銀行,每次也都是收我45美金,台灣那邊也會收一次。

Ray 說...

你是用 online international transfer 還是在分行做呢? 若是後者的話,那只有一種可能:我之前是WaMu客戶,不收手續費!WaMu 變成 Chase 後,Chase 對WaMu舊客戶也一視同仁,不收手續費!我最近一次匯錢是7月份!也是不用手續費!

以資訊系統角度來說,我的account是 WaMu Type, 你的是 Chase Type.WaMu Type 是不能進行 online international tansfer,只能在分行辦理international tansfer!

Ray 說...

我找到我9/16曾寫online message 問客服問題,他們回覆我如下:
Thank you for contacting Chase.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your request.

Your Chase Free Extra Checking account is a former Washington Mutual account. This account did not generate any charges for initiating online wire transfers.
However, since it is now a Chase account, you do not have
the ability to activate this service. Your Chase Free
Extra Checking account is not an eligible account for online wire transfers.

If you choose to convert the account, the following wire
transfer fees will apply:

Outgoing Domestic $25 / item ($20 if sent via Chase.com)

Outgoing International $45 / item ($40 if sent via Chase.com)

Incoming Domestic $15 / item

Incoming International $15 / item

Again, wire transfers initiated at the branch will not incur a fee.

上述客服解答和大家分享!若現費用有變,以Chase 為標準!

Kenny 說...


Ray 說...


匿名 說...

想請問一下如果從台灣要匯款到美國chase bank的帳戶的話,怎樣會比較划算?

Ray 說...


從台灣匯款至美國 chase ,台灣的銀行及chase都要手續費,這時正常現象!

若時間不急迫的話, 我覺得另外一個好方法就是:你先在台灣買好旅行支票(簽對方中文名),然後郵寄給對方(郵寄費自己評估),請對方再簽一次中文名,因為銀行根本看不懂你的簽名!然後他存入chase,不用手續費! :)

Unknown 說...

Hi Ray,

I tried to send international wire from Chase to E-Sun Bank today but the clerk said they will charge $45 handling fee without exception.

Can you please let me know how can you get the fee waived?

Thanks & have a good weekend

Unknown 說...

Hi Ray,

After reading through the comments, I understand the reason you got it free it's because you use Washington Mutual account... this case won't be eligible for chase account.

Anyway, I found the cheapest way to send wire is Western Union....


Ray 說...

what's the fee of western union?

Unknown 說...

Hi Ray,

Western Union charges $30 for int'l wire.


wen 說...

Ray and chanpeilai,

In chase's march statement, wire transfer is no longer free for chase extra free checking (wamu free checking) since 5/12...

Ray 說...

Really? Thanks for your info.

wen 說...

yes, I was also told by the local banker... Do we have any other cheap choice here? Western Union provides only 'Money in minutes' option to Taiwan (from California), that's pretty expensive (several hundread), not $30 as mentioned above....

Unknown 說...

Hi Wen,

I did the wire transfer to Taiwan many times through western unin, they always charge me $30 each transfer. If I remember it right, they also have limit as US$2000 each time..... You can call them to confirm details.

Good luck.

wen 說...


You are right about the limit $2000 and fee $30. Previously I was trying $10000, and wester union charges $440 fee... ($5000 charges $240 fee). Given that, if you'd like to transfer more than $2000 to TW, western union may not be a good choice.

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