

前一陣子由於美國的一些銀行手續費的政策變來變去,導致很多客戶抱怨連連,後來有一次聽到廣播新聞說 : 很多華盛頓州居民不滿銀行手續費政策,於是很多人湧向 BECU 開戶!

BECU 為 Boeing Employees' Credit Union 的縮寫。此信用合作社當初成立的目的是為了服務波音公司的員工,現在華盛頓州的居民都可以申請。在西雅圖地區,到處可以看到 BECU 的服務據點,如 Safeway 及 Fred Meyer 內。我們最後也決定申請一個 BECU 帳戶,看看是否和其他銀行比起來更加便利?

申請 BECU 帳戶很簡單,只要有華盛頓州駕照及提供社會安全號碼即可。原本我認為只有華盛頓州駕照的客戶才能開戶, 沒想到我拿加州駕照及攜帶華盛頓州水電帳單(有自己的名字)也可以開戶。

申請了 BECU 帳戶 後,我發覺有下列優點:

1) Checking account 500 元以內,利率 6.17% 。

2) Checking account 超過 500 元以上,利率 0.1% 。

3) Savings Account 沒有一個月只能存幾次的限制。

4) 沒有最低存款的限制,更沒有月手續費。

5) 所有存提款都經由 ATM ,這是一個節省成本的方法。

6) 若要提領現金或存支票,不是一定要到 BECU 服務據點才行。BECU 也和全美很多店家 (如7-11) 合作,領錢不用手續費 (Surcharge-Free)。

7) Debit Card 買東西當然不會有手續費。

8) 在BECU 網路銀行上也可以直接掃描支票,然後存入支票。

9) 銀行有 FDIC 保障,信用合作社有 NCUA 保障。

10) 若匯款到台灣,BECU 行員說:手續費 15 元。那中間銀行收多少錢呢? BECU 行員並沒說; 若是收 20 元,那總手續費是否也比其他銀行好呢?

那有何缺點呢? 目前我只想到一點: ATM 一次存款交易只能存入 30 張紙鈔。若你拿了 40 張紙鈔,需進行 2 次交易。有些太舊的鈔票沒有辦法辨識,會退出來給你。到目前為止,我經由 ATM 存款存了很多次,發覺 ATM 能數對鈔票數目的能力是100%。

每個人對銀行的需求不同,但對很多人而言,只要每月沒有最低存款限制,沒有月手續費,能夠網上付帳單,能夠存提款就已經足夠了! 既然 BECU 能提供客戶那麼多的便利性,不用可惜!



12 留言:

弈子 說...

很幸運地在 google 搜尋資料時看到你的blog! 非常感謝你的分享!我正打算要開一個BECU account,你提供資料的比我已知道的還要詳細! Thanks again!
有你的blog我在西雅圖生活就少碰很多釘子了! ^___^
請問我可以把你的blog address發佈在我的facebook 和 tweeter上讓大家知道嗎?


Ray 說...

Kandiss,當然可以啊!只要這個blog 資訊對一些人有幫助,這也是我樂意見到的!

弈子 說...


rosiry 說...

Hi Ray, sorry to interrupt. I saw your posts about H1B Application, and I wonder if you could introduce me some responsible lawyer/lawyers? I just got an offer from a family-owned company (The two owners own 8 companies, with only 110 employees in total) and I really don't want a inexperienced lawyer to screw up my case. Thank you very much! My email address is: nygathering@gmail.com

Ray 說...

are you sure this family-owned company can let you apply for your GC by yourself?

rosiry 說...

This company has no idea about h1b application (it has no foreign employees before), so I think I need to find a lawyer myself...
What does "GC" mean by the way?

Ray 說...

GC= Green Card. Google the lawyer's names first online. I don't want to introduce the lawyers in this blog (you should see it in my post).If you find some online, we can discuss later.

rosiry 說...

Yeah, I know that you don't recommend lawyers in this blog. That's why I left my email address...you can email me the information of the lawyer/lawyers
who helped with your h1b application if that works for you. And I will call them to inquire about my case (my email address: nygathering@gmail.com). I'm also trying to find out information of experienced lawyers through other means (mostly friends' recommendations). I hope to shortlist several lawyers and find out who is the best fit for me.
There are just too much information online and it's hard to decide who are experienced and who are not...that's why I ask for recommendations. It'll be great if you can provide an option for me.

Alex 說...

中間銀行的收費是看你跟BECU說指定那個中間銀行.比如說,BECU收了$15的fee,中間銀行可以會收個$40(Chase, BoA $45),那總數就是$55,那反而比較貴

Ray 說...


AI 說...





Ray 說...

過了二年也許規定改了也說不定, 親自去問一下即可知!

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