

在聖地牙哥的project 快結束時,請recruiter 幫我另找project ! 結果她安排我和美國微軟電話面試! 這一年已有三次和微軟的不同team面試!均失敗! 這次看會不會成功! 盡力而為吧! 我第一次看到job descriptions 時,覺得很驚訝! 微軟要找具備這樣的人應該很好找吧, 會不會是經理太挑!所以順其自然!

Job Responsibilities would include:
- Creating test cases
- Running test automation
- Verifying test runs
- Debugging issues and creating new test case automation

Skill set would Skill set would include:
- Experienced test engineer
- Competence in the Microsoft Development Environment
- Programming skills in C# and .Net
- Experience with WTT a plus

5/18 進行電話面試! 共有三位, 時間90 分鐘!一人30 分鐘!整個過程下來,我覺得他們在考我反應及一些細節! 這是我的braindumps.


1. Please introduce yourself first.
2. What’s your big challenge in your every project?
3. Tell me what your current project is all about!
4. If you want to test Mug, how do you test it?
5. After you install SQL server, how do you verify it installs successfully?
6. Do you have any questions?


1. What’s your project now?
2. Please tell me: what’s the interesting bug you find in your project?
3. Do you know C# and test automation?
4. Did you write test case scenario before?
5. Do you have any questions?

第三位問我(my supervisor)

1. Do you know NUnit? How does it work?
2. Please tell me your technical background.
3. Did you install SQL server before?
4. Do you know XML?
5. If you have the log file, how to verify the file is correct?
6. If yesterday’s build tested fine, why today’s build doesn’t test fine?
7. Do you know WTT?
8. Please tell me your 4 advantages and 4 disadvantages!
9. Do you have any questions?

我supervisor 問完我之後,我心已有底,應該會過! 他們主要看我機智及反應, 而且沒有所謂標準答案! 也問我一些個人實際工作的問題!

5/19 接到恭喜我的信! 我當了美國微軟總公司的 contractor, 也一雪我去年到現在三次面試失敗之恥! 其實微軟有一個最大的優點就是: 你不適合這個 team, 會將 resume 丟給其他team 的 manager 看! 所以各位繼續努力吧!

4 留言:

Malkovich 說...

他們沒問algorithm的問題嗎? 像binary tree, recursion之類的 我最近想apply微軟的工作 正惡補algorithm中

Ray 說...



匿名 說...

Thanks for your sharing. It is very helpful.
Can I ask you a question? How do you answer the question "If you want to test a mug, how do you test it?"

Ray 說...

Just try whatever test you did in the past. If you hold the mug, what kinds of functions do you need to pay attention to? Don't think about it too much.There is no standard answer.

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