




5 關斬 6 將型

很多軟體公司會安排幾階段的面試。以電話面試而言,假設有 3 階段, 一階段有 30 分鐘,若面試官覺得面試者第 1 關表現不錯,才會進到第 2 關,等你 3 關全通過,幾天之內面試者即可知道被錄取的消息。如果是親自面試,也是一樣的道理。

現在很多軟體公司喜歡先用電話面試先篩選合格的面試者,之後再邀請合格的面試者到公司進行幾階段的面對面面試。這種過 5 關斬 6 將型的面試門檻很高。如果你能在眾多的候選人中被錄取,相信你是會很有成就感的。


很多軟體公司的面試官一次會安排幾位同事或部屬和面試者一起進行對面對面面試。這時候面試者需輪番回答在場面試官的所有問題。待面試完畢後,所有面試官需全部一致通過這個面試者夠勝任才行。只要 1-2 面試官持反對意見,這個面試者也不會被錄取。

你也許會問是否存在面試官多數表決通過也行呢? 就我所知,這種機率應該比較少才對。因為要錄取一個人所必須考量的因素很多,就如同上述過 5 關斬 6 將型的面試一樣,也需所有面試官通過才行。既然有面試官持反對意見,他們寧可重新找人。這種全數表決通過型的面試類型挑戰性很大。如果你能在眾多的候選人中被錄取,相信你是會很有成就感的。



8 留言:

匿名 說...


Ray 說...

Pony, 恭喜喔!新年之前拿到綠卡!cool..

silver 說...

Hi Ray,
I came across your blog when i am searching for H1B jobs. I have learned a lot of valueable information from your blog, thank you for sharing with us. I have been looking for a job for a while and so for no any luck. Do you happen to know when can I get one in LA area? My H1B is going to be expired in this coming Aug. Do you have any information about searching jobs? Thanks in advance.

Ray 說...

No idea about your job search and your current H1B status. You can try some job sites and still submit your resume. It takes time to get a job and no one knows when you get a job.

silver 說...

i Ray,
Thanks for replying. I meant"where to get one and not when to get one". ^^
You have mentioned getting a job through the recruiters in your blog, how does it work?do you mind recommend some?

Unknown 說...

Hui ray,
I am Denny. Nice to meet you, and I am so glad to find your blog here. Thank you for sharing your life in the U.S., an so much useful information. I am new to try to look for a job in the U.S. and just finished my resume for the first step.
I will appreciate it if you are available and wouldn't mind helping to review my resume and giving suggestions.

Ray 說...

I don’t look at people’s resume any more because I am busy with my current project and I have no time to handle it.

Unknown 說...

Well, still thank you. Good day.

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